migración colombia fines

Migración Colombia Fines

What happens if I overstay in Colombia? Do I have to pay a fine?  It is important for foreigners to know the Colombian immigration regulations and understand the cases in which they may be exposed to fines with Migracion Colombia. 

For this reason, in this blog, you will find important information about the types of fines in Colombia, their classification, the regularization process, and important information to avoid penalties.

resolucion 5477


For some months there has been talk of possible changes in the Colombian visa system, and precisely, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has just issued a new resolution that will be effective as of October 20.

Resolution 5477 of July 22, 2022 will replace the 2017 resolution, bringing as a consequence the implementation of new visa categories, new mandatory requirements and some major changes.

When will the new resolution 5477 be implemented?

Will the visa types change?

How does the new Resolution 5477 affect foreigners who are already holders or beneficiaries of a current visa?

What are the changes brought by the new visa resolution 5477?

About types of visas

Type V – Digital Nomad
Type M – Domestic Partnership (spouse or permanent partner)
Type M – Father or mother of a Colombian national by birth
Type V – Rentista ‘Annuity’
Type V – Student
Type V – Temporary services provider, Type V – Religious, and Type V – Voluntary
Visa Transfer

colombian visa covid-19 changes

Changes in some Colombian visa rules due to COVID-19 – 2022 UPDATE

New regulations for visas are announced by the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Due to the Health Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health because of COVID-19, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the Resolution 1296 of April 21, 2020, to reassure many foreigners through changes in some Colombian visa rules and provisional measures that will govern until the end of the Health Emergency.

colombian visa application

Successfully Complete Your Colombian Visa Application With expatgroup.co

At Expat Group, we’ve already helped over 1,100 foreigners successfully apply for their Colombian visas. Even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve continued to consistently gain M-type, R-type and V-type visas for expats like yourself.

If you’re struggling with your visa application, or have had some unforeseen complications with it, book an appointment with us today to speak to one of our visa specialists.

Currently, the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores continues to accept Colombian visa applications, and we’re continuing to see positive outcomes for our clients.