
IMPORTANT: Colombian new entry requirements for foreign tourists and V Type Visa, M Type Visa or R Type Visa since December 14, 2021.

⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️: Colombian new entry requirements for foreign tourists and V Type Visa, M Type Visa or R Type Visa since December 14, 2021.

According to the Resolution 2052 of 2021 and the Directive 003 of Migración Colombia of December 13, 2021:

«By which temporary preventive measures are adopted in the sanitary control for the entry into the country of international travelers, by air.»

Starting at the 00:00 hours on December 14, 2021, officials who serve at the Colombian air migration control posts must demand the following requirements for entering the country to nationals and foreigners over 18 years:

Foreigners with R Type Visa, Colombians and diplomats, may enter the country if:

If you have an incomplete vaccination schedule or have not completed 14 days after completing the schedule:

Without a vaccine or negative PCR: You will have the authorization to enter the country, but the Migration officials will refer you to the corresponding Ministry of Health.

Foreign tourists, holders of V Type Visa or M Type Visa, may enter the country if:

If you have an incomplete vaccination schedule or have not completed 14 days after completing the schedule:

 Without a vaccine: You will not be able to enter the country. Negative PCR will NOT be an entry option in this case. 

The vaccination card or certificate must contain (Physical or digital):

For non-resident foreigners under 18 years, the requirements for a vaccination card or the PCR test are not applicable, according to provisions in the resolutions issued by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transportation.

Travelers in international connections.

Travelers who arrive in Colombia in international connection will not be required to meet the above requirements, if it is by transit or airport transfer, because they do not need to carry out the entry control into the country.

A FOREIGNER IS CONSIDERED AS A RESIDENT WHEN HE/SHE IS A R TYPE VISA HOLDER. Regarding the denomination diplomats, it refers to any foreigner who is the holder of a diplomatic passport or a preferential visa for diplomats or who, failing that, shows the diplomatic card issued to date by the Colombian Foreign Ministry, either physical or digital.